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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School

Year 3



 Hostage: Malorie Blackman: 9781781120798: Books  undefined                                      Tom Percival - Read for GoodDream Big, Little Mole - Hardback NEW Percival, Tom 04/02/2021  9781408892817 | eBay

          Blackman Class - 3B                                                                             Percival Class - 3G

                 Miss Bowman                                                                                                 Miss Gore       

Miss Smith, Mrs Buczkowska and Mrs Williams will be working within both classes.



Term 1

Welcome to the Year 3 page! We hope you had a restful break and are looking forward to an exciting term of learning and fun. We hope you find the information below helpful, it should give you an insight as to what your child will be focusing on this term across the curriculum. Our termly newsletter is also attached below with further information as well as key dates. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on the Year 3 email account -


We follow ‘White Rose Maths’. In Maths, In Maths we will be learning Place Value, the worth of each individual digit in a number. This is a very important 3 week block which underpins so many aspects of Maths. The second half of the term sees us advancing from Year 2 work on addition and subtraction and will be looking at using the column method.

Below is the Year 3 scheme of learning for the upcoming year. Sometimes we may spend longer consolidating certain topics and the order in which we learn them may change slightly. However, this gives you an insight as to the topics the children will be covering this year. 




The Comet

We will be working from the book ‘Comet’ by Joe Todd Stanton. This is a rich story text which explores how a family can create a home filled with imagination and warmth whilst welcoming change and building resilience. In writing, we will be focusing on poetry and using poetic techniques including alliteration and rhyme.


All 3 Classification Of Rocks | Building Materials

Our key question is: ‘What are the properties of rocks?’ Children will learn how to compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. They learn how to describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock and finally they learn how to recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.

Physical Education 
PE will be on a Monday and Wednesday afternoon for Year 3, please make sure your child has the appropriate PE kit and no earrings on PE day. Our sports are Tag Rugby and Hockey, these will be outdoors so please ensure your child wears the appropriate kit. Boys and girls will change in separate classrooms. From 30th September children will need shin pads and a mouthguard for Hockey.

Religious Education

In RE this term we will be answering the question ‘What is it like to follow God?’ We will be looking at those biblical characters that helped spread the word of God. We will begin with Noah, the building of The Ark, the flood and why it happened.


The Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age display pack: Posters headings  timelines banners headings | Teaching Resources

Our topic for this term is Stone Age to Iron Age – where we will be learning about how Britain changed during this time. We will consider how we know about a time period where there were no written sources of evidence, and what life was like as a hunter-gatherer in these times.


PSHE (Jigsaw)

Primary and Secondary PSHE lessons fulfilling RSE | Jigsaw PSHE Ltd

This term in PSHE, we are looking at the Jigsaw piece 'Being me in my world' -

In this Puzzle (unit), the children learn to recognise their self-worth and identify positive things about themselves and their achievements. They discuss new challenges and how to face them with appropriate positivity. The children learn about the need for rules and how these relate to rights and responsibilities. They explore choices and consequences, working collaboratively and seeing things from other people’s points of view. The children learn about different feelings and the ability to recognise these feelings in themselves and others. They set up their Jigsaw Journals and establish the Jigsaw Charter.


How you can help at home:  - Encourage your child to practise their times tables. In class, we will begin by recapping 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. 

3 Times Table song:

4 Times Table song:

Listen to your child read daily. Ask questions to develop their comprehension and inference skills.

Spelling Shed -  spelling practise, we will assign a spelling rule for children to practise at home. We will be practising these in school too. 


Online Safety for your child.

Please click on the link below to access advice on how you can keep your child safe online, including a helpful tool to support you in having the right conversations about online safety. Also included on the site are a list of activities that you can do with your child at home. 

Reading skills:

There are question mats and reading skills sheets attached to the bottom for any learning surrounding reading.