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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School


We are all strongly committed to improving children’s reading ability and the highlighting the importance of reading for pleasure. There is good evidence to suggest that young people who read for pleasure daily perform better in reading tests than those who never do.  We want to encourage all of our children to enjoy reading and to read a wide range of good quality literature.

Here is a special video created to trumpet the wise words of one of our pupils :

Mrs Syrett, our school librarian, takes good care of our library and all children have the opportunity to visit the library to take out a book which they can bring home and read.

We use a system called Accelerated Reader for monitoring and managing what the children read.

We will be asking the adults in school to recommend certain books which they have enjoyed reading which can be found here. We hope that your children enjoy reading these as much as we have.