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Kingsnorth Primary School

KingsnorthChurch of England Primary School

Christian Vision and Values

Our School Vision:

‘To ensure that every person in our school family is at the heart of everything we do, think and believe.
Our values are roots which weave through our entire being and create a learning community built on God’s love in which we can all flourish.’

Our linked Bible Verse:

'Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life.’ Ephesians 3:17 

Our Christian values of:

Compassion    Community    Friendship    Trust    Perseverance  

weave through every aspect of every day here at Kingsnorth CEP School.


Enabling everyone to work as part of a family and experience the live and support it brings.


Ensuring that people of all ages experience a ‘friendly school’


Encouraging and promoting relationships of trust in the school


Ensuring that everyone feels included, and we support those in difficulties


Working at/for something even when it does not bring immediate results

Our values are practised by everyone at the school both adults and children alike. Each value is linked to a Bible story with a biblical quote to learn (see below).

Every aspect of our Christian values are taught through specific learning in Collective Worship and lessons such as PSHE where issues from real life are discussed and linked with our school values.

As our Christian values are embedded we can link in the British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and respect of people of every faith and none. These British values link well with compassion, trust and friendship particularly well which are three of our Christian values.

Each term every year group plans how they will overtly teach each British value which is taught through specific subject lessons such as History or RE, or through incidental learning such as participating in the process of voting for a school council member. Collective Worship is an important part of our day at Kingsnorth as it gives us a chance to reflect on our own lives as well as those of others.

The British and Christian values are linked during this time as much as possible especially as we are a Restorative Approach school where we consider our own feelings, thoughts and actions and those of others too.

Through reflection, academic learning and participating in school life we learn how to be ‘living stones’ of Kingsnorth CEP School as the school is not just a building, but full of people who are role models living the values earned in school.

Our School Aims:

FLOURISHING - We set high expectations and ambition so that everyone in our school community may fulfil their potential academically, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

INCLUSION - We listen and respond to the voices of our pupils and families so that we understand and remove all barriers, enabling full and purposeful engagement in all aspects of school life.

TEACHING and LEARNING - Our commitment to standout professional development ensures high quality teaching that is driven by understanding the individual needs of each pupil and creating flexible learning experiences in which success is accessible for and experienced by all.

CURRICULUM - We put pupils at the centre of our standout school curriculum so that our learning experiences inspire curiosity and stimulate interests, evolving with and underpinned by the rapid changes of the world in which we live.

COMMUNITY - We listen to the voices of our community so that our strong culture of belonging and commitment to wellbeing enables everyone to feel safe to grow and to flourish together with dignity and respect.